This is the first time that I only teach three classes since I came 10 years ago.
Working on two grant proposals with the total amount of close 1 million USD is very overwhelming.
Feel like drowning in the data and information all the time. The deadlines are still two months away, but the pressure is building up.
Hopefully, all the work will be worth it.
One month flys by ..a fantastic weekend with laughing constantly...
9 more days to go, feel like my brain is exploding....
Somehow feel hesitated for the trip that I planed months ago.
Haven't been there for that long for 14 years.
The excitment of visiting seems to be replaced by all kind of worries.
Try to tell myself, It's not that different, but who am I kidding.....
Here won't be the same when I come back. Maybe it's good that I am not here when it happens.