One full month is almost gone now...
Counting down the time in Taipei, It's time to get on the over 24-hour flight journey again..
Many things originally planned didn't get done, but did do something new. That's enough I think.
Decided to let go someone, interesting enough, feel relief.
It's time to go back work. It's time to go back a quiet life.
It's time to go back to my own life, just like everyone else.
No matter what will happen next, I think I have realized that the life in a big city will not be my choice.
Even though it's full of people, even though everyone seems very close physically,
people could be FAR FAR away from each other.
該走了 回去工作的世界
這一個月內 看到的 感受的
讓我對該放手的 該重視的 也有了不同的認知
要在日本降落了 眼淚卻不自主的流下 很久不曾如此
我想重要的不是地方 而是剛好在那裡的人和溫暖吧!!